Positive affirmations can be powerful weapons in your fight against stress. Training your brain to focus on and expect positive feelings and events to occur in your life can go a long way toward helping you create the life you want.
You can learn more about positive affirmations and how they work here: “Positive Affirmations for Stress-Reduction.”
Which Positive Affirmations Should I Use?
Once you’ve learned about the power of positive affirmations and how they can help you change and enhance your life, you may be left wondering what specific affirmations you should use. There are many authors who have developed positive affirmations, and you can listen to them while doing the dishes, falling asleep, or driving in the car. Here are some of our favorites:
- “Rewire Your Brain: 300 Affirmations for Positive Thinking#AD
- “Positive Psychology: Train Your Brain with Positive Affirmations and Power Words via Beach Hypnosis and Meditation#AD
Writing Your Own Positive Affirmations
Sometimes you can’t find affirmations that are exactly fitting to your situation or what you’d like to see bloom in your life. These are the perfect times to write your own positive affirmations.
Writing affirmations is easy and fun, but there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to create powerful, meaningful words with life-changing power.
- Keep the affirmations positive. Avoid using any negative words in your affirmation in order to keep the tone positive. This might mean that you need to rework a sentence differently than you originally write it. For instance, you might change “I’m no longer addicted to caffeine,” to “I am free from caffeine” to avoid the negative words “no” and “addicted.” Don’t worry: this gets easier with practice.
- Use the present tense. It can be tempting to write an affirmation in the future tense, such as “I will be healthy and fit once I lose ten pounds.” However, this statement places limits on the affirmation and in your mind. You can give it more power to influence your thoughts now by rewriting it as “I am becoming healthier and stronger every day,” “I make choices that keep me healthy,” or “I am motivated and open to making healthy decisions.”
- Write statements. Positive affirmations should be statements, and they should reflect what you want to see in your life. Avoid writing questions and focus on making strong positive declarations.
- Include statements of gratitude. Making sure that you include affirmations that are reflections of what you have and are grateful for now can leave you more open to accepting and acting on affirmations for those things that you wish to change in your life. “I have joy and peace in my life,” “I am happy to be journeying toward health,” or “I love and care for the people in my life” are all examples of affirmations that confirm your current gratitude.
- Short sentences may be easier to remember and repeat. You can make your affirmations as long as you like, but it may be helpful to create at least some short ones that you can remember easily and use throughout the day without referring to a piece of paper.
- Create active statements. Words like “choose,” “create,” “have,” and “do” all create an attitude of action in your mind, spurring you to perform in accordance with the affirmation.
- Use emotional words. Write some affirmations that use emotional words to trigger your brain to react positively to them. The stronger the emotion evoked, the more your psyche will react the way you wish. “I am overwhelmingly happy and joyful,” or “Amazing things come to me, and I’m exceptionally grateful” are good examples of this technique.
Take Your Time and Have Fun
Don’t allow yourself to get anxious while writing your own affirmations. The process should be fun and make you feel good. If you find yourself feeling stressed out or concerned over whether you’re doing it “right,” give yourself a break and remember that you are inviting more positivity into your life. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you can change or tweak your affirmations anytime you like. After all, they are 100% yours and reflect what you want to see happen in your life.