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Using Mindfulness to Destress Your Workday

Mindfulness is the practice of being in the moment. It helps you stay grateful, calm, and present in all your daily activities. Mindfulness can even help you decrease the stress involved with a typical workday. Check out how you can use mindfulness throughout each step of your day to destress.

Don’t Check Emails or Social Media Right Away

When you first wake up in the morning, it might be your habit to grab your phone and catch up on everything you missed while you were sleeping. And you wouldn’t be alone—many people wake up that way, with their phones often residing right on their nightstands.

But checking emails and such right away can activate stress hormones. Maybe you start seeing all the things you’re supposed to do that day or ways your co-workers or friends want responses from you. Perhaps you see upsetting political or social issues that get you going right away. Whatever it is, you may do better avoiding your phone first-thing.

Instead, do some mindfulness exercises. Take a moment to stretch and think about how your body feels. Be grateful for your home, toothbrush, and toothpaste while you brush your teeth. Focus on each aspect of making your breakfast and then enjoy each bite gratefully.

You can use that same mindfulness as you commute to work. That will give you plenty of time to ease into your day in a relaxed manner instead of starting already revved up and stressed.

Avoid Using the Internet to Zone Out at Work

It’s an easy thing to do. If you have a couple of minutes with no tasks to accomplish, surfing around on the internet can provide distraction from work. But if you use those moments to practice mindfulness instead, you might find yourself being overall more relaxed.

Take a moment to close your eyes and think about how the day has gone so far. If you’ve had negative emotions, acknowledge and work through them. Doing so can help the rest of your day go better than stuffing down the feelings will.

Take Breaks Throughout the Day

When you have a break or it’s lunchtime, think about how you can fill the time off with mindfulness. Try to avoid sitting at your desk through the break time, where you might still be immersed in work vibes. If possible, go outside to eat or take a quick walk. While you’re doing that, try to be fully present in the moment, noticing the nature around you and how the sun feels on your skin.

During lunch, eat slowly and mindfully, enjoying and being grateful for each bite, and stop eating when you’re full.

Work on Digital Clutter Too

If you work in an office or on a computer, digital clutter can be as distracting and stressful as internet time. As much as possible, try to keep your inbox empty. That might mean unsubscribing to lists. It also means dealing with emails right away, answering them and then moving them to a file to save if necessary.

Stay Mindful at Home Too

When you get home from work, continue practicing mindfulness throughout the time you have at home. Separate yourself from work and truly be in the moment at home by yourself or with your family. Enjoy and be grateful for your home and the things in it.

You might need a few minutes of quiet alone time when you first get home to think about anything stressful that happened at work, acknowledge and release the emotions, and ground yourself back in home life.

Remember, the more mindful you can be throughout the day, the more stress-free you’ll be.

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